ciao = hi
ciao bella (bello) = hi gorgeous
ciao brutta (brutto) = hello ugly
come sta? = how are you?
coma si chiama? = what is your name
pronto = ready
scusi = excuse me
non capisco = I don't understand
piacere di conoscerla = pleased to meet you
di dov'e? = where are you from
avete occhi belli = you have lovely eyes
bellissimo = beautiful
testarosa = redhead
amore e amore = with love always
arrivederci = goodbye
and no 'oh my god'.. please..
this is the extent of my italian use it wisely..
ciao = hi
ciao bella (bello) = hi gorgeous
ciao brutta (brutto) = hello ugly
come sta? = how are you?
coma si chiama? = what is your name
pronto = ready
scusi = excuse me
non capisco = I don't understand
piacere di conoscerla = pleased to meet you
di dov'e? = where are you from
avete occhi belli = you have lovely eyes
bellissimo = beautiful
testarosa = redhead
amore e amore = with love always
arrivederci = goodbye