You would have easily found these in the search, but ill tell you anyway.
Either chain will work with your chainring.
If your fixed sprocket is 1/8 size, you need a 1/8 chain. (normal width for track, 3speed and bmx bikes)
If your fixed sprocket is 3/32 (standard width for 8 speed deraillieur bikes) you can use eihter a 3/32 chain or a 1/8 chain. Would make more sense to use 3/32 as it would be lighter.
1/8 chains are thicker, so stronger and stiffer. Which is why track bikes, bmx's and dependable cheap low maintenance hub-gear bikes use them. More metal is the simplest way to make a chain stronger.
a 3/32 chain on a SS/fixed bike would also be fine, this is what everyone riding SS mtb's uses. Just try not to get the cheapest chain you can find when using a 3/32 for fixed riding.
You would have easily found these in the search, but ill tell you anyway.
Either chain will work with your chainring.
If your fixed sprocket is 1/8 size, you need a 1/8 chain. (normal width for track, 3speed and bmx bikes)
If your fixed sprocket is 3/32 (standard width for 8 speed deraillieur bikes) you can use eihter a 3/32 chain or a 1/8 chain. Would make more sense to use 3/32 as it would be lighter.
1/8 chains are thicker, so stronger and stiffer. Which is why track bikes, bmx's and dependable cheap low maintenance hub-gear bikes use them. More metal is the simplest way to make a chain stronger.
a 3/32 chain on a SS/fixed bike would also be fine, this is what everyone riding SS mtb's uses. Just try not to get the cheapest chain you can find when using a 3/32 for fixed riding.