Morning all! Inspired by the Udon Run movie at the BFF me and the man like Shinigamiyagi want to do an udon run.
With pyjamas...?
DATE: SAT 12th November 2011
**ATTENTION! The route/schedule has had to be changed slightly due to places closing down and messing up our bookings - also NB that all times are approx. If you want to drop in at a later point either call someone on the ride or PM me for my number and I'll let you know where we are
As previously stated, you don't have to eat at every stop. If you want to and you can, then fill your Sidi's. We've decided against the karaoke at the end as there wasn't enough interest really to justify it but there is a Lucky Voice on Upper Street if people are desperate. Also, if you reckon you're only likely to come for certain stage/bits of day, could you update this against your name so we've got a rough idea of how many people we need to get into each stop.
Big thanks to my udon sensei, Shinigami for assisting and planning!
Morning all! Inspired by the Udon Run movie at the BFF me and the man like Shinigamiyagi want to do an udon run.
With pyjamas...?
DATE: SAT 12th November 2011
**ATTENTION! The route/schedule has had to be changed slightly due to places closing down and messing up our bookings - also NB that all times are approx. If you want to drop in at a later point either call someone on the ride or PM me for my number and I'll let you know where we are
**1. 12:00 Ryo, Brewer Street, Lunch 1.5hrs -
As previously stated, you don't have to eat at every stop. If you want to and you can, then fill your Sidi's. We've decided against the karaoke at the end as there wasn't enough interest really to justify it but there is a Lucky Voice on Upper Street if people are desperate. Also, if you reckon you're only likely to come for certain stage/bits of day, could you update this against your name so we've got a rough idea of how many people we need to get into each stop.
Big thanks to my udon sensei, Shinigami for assisting and planning!