Seems Taggy Map has a bit of an autumn winter cold at the moment - the link to the second page of captions in the side panel appears not to be working. I've noticed this with a few other custom google maps with 200+ locations at the moment.
It's not such a problem as all the pins still show at the same time, but for those who want to see page 2 of the captions, I managed a sneaky workaround:
Seems Taggy Map has a bit of an autumn winter cold at the moment - the link to the second page of captions in the side panel appears not to be working. I've noticed this with a few other custom google maps with 200+ locations at the moment.
It's not such a problem as all the pins still show at the same time, but for those who want to see page 2 of the captions, I managed a sneaky workaround:
Page 1 (1 - 200)
Page 2 (201 - 280+)
Caveat: You still can't change pages from the map itself
That guy looks like some evil blend of Norman Foster & Alastair Campbell. Who is he?