I can't even manage a sub-hour 25. if anyone besides your standard fixie skidder type turns up, which is an inevitability, I'll be dropped pretty sharpish. Plus my only fast fixed atm is the wannabe TT bike, disc tri bars and all. I'll look like a cock turning up on that, and an even bigger cock doing badly on it.
Lose the disc and you'll be alright. I'm thinking of doing it on the TT bike. There are some slightly more serious fixie skiddrs, but they're still skiddrs.
Lose the disc and you'll be alright. I'm thinking of doing it on the TT bike. There are some slightly more serious fixie skiddrs, but they're still skiddrs.
PJ on the first HC http://hacksawschallengedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/11267_200859994007_732224007_4002378_5784617_n.jpg?w=604