• I disagree, Oliver, if a poor street design increases the likelihood of a incident, there will be an inevitability of the accumulative effect of incidents which will - as luck would have it - lead to a fatality. There are no "accidents" after all.

    You say that the post by Cyclists in the City doesn't help anyone, but I'd disagree - it's helping people to find a voice on a subject about which they rightly feel angry, and that anger is finding ways to manifest itself and push for change. If that's not a good thing I don't know what is.

    Aaaaanyway... getting way off topic here. The important thing is that as many people as possible are there on Wednesday. And on that note, further to David's email this morning, just to clarify that the protest is from 5.45PM, soutside of Blackfriars Bridge on WEDNESDAY 12th OCTOBER (not Monday)
