And now we are six, can I suggest going on the Clarion 1895 website and posting off dues (£2 per year) and for Jerseys (£32 I think), welcome to try mine for size comparison (large seems to fit me). I will organise a stitch on patch for London Chapter I'd like with the winged trumpeting (clarioning?) angel chick who has a bike caught in her wing and the scrolls with the Morris fellowship quote NC at top
Socialism the hope of the World at bottom and another scroll at bottom with London chapter 2011 inscribed therin, thoughts Comrades?
And now we are six, can I suggest going on the Clarion 1895 website and posting off dues (£2 per year) and for Jerseys (£32 I think), welcome to try mine for size comparison (large seems to fit me). I will organise a stitch on patch for London Chapter I'd like with the winged trumpeting (clarioning?) angel chick who has a bike caught in her wing and the scrolls with the Morris fellowship quote NC at top
Socialism the hope of the World at bottom and another scroll at bottom with London chapter 2011 inscribed therin, thoughts Comrades?