• I looked for a thread but couldn't find one, so please delete if this is already covered

    Right, those fucking advance stopping zones, what a waste of space. They are not a bad idea in principal (let cyclists get to the front and allow us to get in position to turn right etc).

    But I reckon I can count on one hand the number of time I've actually seen a driver pay attention to them. EVERY time I pull up to one, there's some cunt in an addison lee car, or a white van, or a bus, or even a fucking police car, pulled up right in the middle of the green paint.

    Added to that, the fact that the one place they tell you to enter them (via the little lead in bit by the side of the kerb) is also THE ONE PLACE they advertise that we're all going to get killed by left turning trucks.

    Seriously, I think we should start a campaign to either police them properly (fine drivers for entering them) or get rid of the fuckers. As this half effort at the moment is frankly dangerous

    sorry, had to get that off my chest
