• #2
You've a) messed up bought the wrong thing, then b) forced it into a tube 0.2mm too small and scratched it all up and
c) want your money back?
d) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
e) sorry if I missed something
• #3
Just have your seat tube reamed.
• #4
You've a) messed up bought the wrong thing, then b) forced it into a tube 0.2mm too small and scratched it all up and
c) want your money back?
d) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
e) sorry if I missed something
Cheers Olly, to reply: -
a) Yes I messed up!
b) only the bottom 2 inches was pushed in, no gouges just polished that little bit up, and it won't show as below insertion point.
c) what I said but as I paid £162.50 + $30 postage, can't really get my money back
e)and your point being??? :-)
• #5
Just have your seat tube reamed.
Thanks, thought of that but the lads at my LBS didn't recommend as the seat tubing is quite thin, it might be possible but for the sake of a seat post I would rather keep it original.
• #6
Just have your seat tube reamed.
Its a euphemism I think, as punishment for defacing the pretty seatpost. A bit harsh IMO ;-)
Anyway, meh, you're gonna have to lower your expectations a little I reckon.
• #7
Its a euphemism I think, as punishment for defacing the pretty seatpost. A bit harsh IMO ;-)
Anyway, meh, you're gonna have to lower your expectations a little I reckon.
The photo's show the first two inches worse than it actually is, as the post is sand blasted and all it has done is polished it a bit.
From chatting to my mate who is well into the American scene, he reckons the Yanks will be well over this like a rash, so thought I would offer it on here first of all.
I can ship to the USA if need be and may well realise a better price.
Thanks for your input though.
I bought this a few months ago for my Geoffrey Butler, but it turned out that as the frame was Columbus it was a 27.0mm not a 27.2mm
So after paying $251.50 plus $30.00 postage from the USA I now find that I have the most exotic Ti seat post that you can buy, but it don't fit, so my loss is your gain.
Here's the proof from when I bought it: - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/160624350539
330mm long
20mm setback
I'm not after a profit, just want to get my money back.
As can be seen in the photo's there are a few tiny marks and signs from where the post has been inserted, but once fitted hardly anything is visible.
£150 Incl. Postage.