There is a hybrid rider who last week twice draughted me to then accelerate and then cut back in and immediately slow down, I had words with him.
Today he says "The two of us seem to go at the same speed, I can go much faster when I am behind you, it then enables me to overtake."
I pointed out that he was on his highest gear, and that there is a huge benefit from draughting and another cyclist at the lights started laughing. It was good natured but I also asked how much harder it became once he had over taken me. Only now does he realise that once he loses the cover from me he slows down pretty quickly.
There is a hybrid rider who last week twice draughted me to then accelerate and then cut back in and immediately slow down, I had words with him.
Today he says "The two of us seem to go at the same speed, I can go much faster when I am behind you, it then enables me to overtake."
I pointed out that he was on his highest gear, and that there is a huge benefit from draughting and another cyclist at the lights started laughing. It was good natured but I also asked how much harder it became once he had over taken me. Only now does he realise that once he loses the cover from me he slows down pretty quickly.