Hi there, similarly I have never posed on the forum before but am always reading it (the joys of an office job!). I have been riding single speed in London for just over a year now and have only just started to go on longer weekend rides. I've been wanting to do some for a while but the lack of other interested friends or knowing whether I could even do it always stopped me. So yes, very much up for some longer weekend rides - or weeknight - I just rode to Southend this weekend past and it was ace.
Hi there, similarly I have never posed on the forum before but am always reading it (the joys of an office job!). I have been riding single speed in London for just over a year now and have only just started to go on longer weekend rides. I've been wanting to do some for a while but the lack of other interested friends or knowing whether I could even do it always stopped me. So yes, very much up for some longer weekend rides - or weeknight - I just rode to Southend this weekend past and it was ace.