• #2
brand new and un-used? (interested in cog if it is)
• #3
not for that price it ain't
• #4
Big Daddy, are there any scratches on the bars or are they pristine?
• #5
pretty pristine fella, they've been fully bar-taped since I've had them
• #6
Cheers fella, they look really cool, shame to cover them in bar tape.
• #7
price drop on bars to 40 clams
• #8
has the cog gone?
• #9
cog I still haz
• #10
will think about it :)
• #11
Could you go to £35 for the bars? Dibs if so.
• #12
Actually, apologies, looking for something narrower than 40cm. My bad sorry
• #13
no problemo
• #14
A bump for Mr. Wayne
Rory, I've got some 380 steel 123s if you're interested?
Nitto B123 Cr-Mo, 400
and Phil Wood, 16t cog, £25