anyone heard that one on spotify of late with some woman banging on about discovering 'dark matter', 'silicon chips' and 'the higgs boson'? yeah, cos women need to be patronised by 'sciency sounding things' to sell fucking leg room on an aeroplane.
/the small matter of anyone 'discovering' 'the higgs boson' seems to be lost on the tragic fuckpandas that made this.
anyone heard that one on spotify of late with some woman banging on about discovering 'dark matter', 'silicon chips' and 'the higgs boson'? yeah, cos women need to be patronised by 'sciency sounding things' to sell fucking leg room on an aeroplane.
/the small matter of anyone 'discovering' 'the higgs boson' seems to be lost on the tragic fuckpandas that made this.