• Yorkshire Hills.

    Same route as last year. This was also the trip that I posted about earlier this year, 'cept I ended up deciding not to pursue the thread. I've never been very good at self-promotion.

    A misty start, with visibility reduced so much that little was left to look at other than a pair of spinning feet. Tedious, I could have achieved a similar experience on an exercise bike.

    Weather and I perked up post lunch (Beef sandwich, packet of assorted penny sweets), at the village shop in Kettlewell. A bright and breezy (headwind) afternoon followed.

    A Good day, all in all, but not without its ups and downs. The final three climbs: Cross Top, Buttertubs Pass, and Fleet Moss, felt a bit special, as did twenty-odd pleasantly knackered rolling miles down from the final climb.

    I'll prolly head out again at some point, if anyone's interested...
