The more I think about this, the more I like it. Particularly if we get those roll-up-able e-ink screens that futurists have been promising for ages. No need to own a Kindle; brilliant for text based web browsing, such as forum reading. Faebook / twitter updates. Basically anything text based and with low refresh rate requirements.
The glasses would look geeky, but for watching the equivalent of a 40" TV screen on the tube. Awesome for films, TV or gaming.
The more I think about this, the more I like it. Particularly if we get those roll-up-able e-ink screens that futurists have been promising for ages. No need to own a Kindle; brilliant for text based web browsing, such as forum reading. Faebook / twitter updates. Basically anything text based and with low refresh rate requirements.
The glasses would look geeky, but for watching the equivalent of a 40" TV screen on the tube. Awesome for films, TV or gaming.