I've got a solid axled Maillard hub. At the moment it is only 108mm as the longer spacer & locknut isn't present (that would normally fit on the drive side) I may have the correct spacer but can't guarantee it.
The axle itself rotates smoothly with no play, and the spoke holes are in very good cond with very little in the way or markings from the previous build.
Overall it is nice & shiny with no damage etc.
If you want it call it £4.75 including postage
PM with an email for a photo or two
I've got a solid axled Maillard hub. At the moment it is only 108mm as the longer spacer & locknut isn't present (that would normally fit on the drive side) I may have the correct spacer but can't guarantee it.
The axle itself rotates smoothly with no play, and the spoke holes are in very good cond with very little in the way or markings from the previous build.
Overall it is nice & shiny with no damage etc.
If you want it call it £4.75 including postage
PM with an email for a photo or two