I've got an Icebreaker jacket, and can attest to their supremacy over anything else available.
A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G (off the rack).
I bid on the Mayfair (large) that he had available (even though the cut isn't that good for me, I figured I could get it tailored for the price) but was outbid at $165US. I did, however, manage to snare the Womens (medium) version for a close friend of mine in the USA for about $125 delivered. I just hope it fits her!
Thanks for the link!
I'll be check his auctions in the future.
I've got an Icebreaker jacket, and can attest to their supremacy over anything else available.
A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G (off the rack).
I bid on the Mayfair (large) that he had available (even though the cut isn't that good for me, I figured I could get it tailored for the price) but was outbid at $165US. I did, however, manage to snare the Womens (medium) version for a close friend of mine in the USA for about $125 delivered. I just hope it fits her!
Thanks for the link!
I'll be check his auctions in the future.