• Not best pleased by the ES reporting - apart from thinking Konijn is a "he", they report a witness as saying "the bus was pulling into the stop and the guy tried to overtake from the inside". Does riding along the road count as undertaking just because a bus driver decides to pull in across you? Maybe I'm overreacting to the report (and I wasn't there when it happened) but passing the immediate aftermath has left me feeling sick and angry.

    Agreed, there is no concrete information to go on right now.

    Sounds like attempted undertake.
    Good luck on recovery who ever you are.

    Better not jump to conclusions, Festus. The main problem at this point is that it's difficult for riders wishing to go straight ahead towards Fleet Street to take the right lane. Many stay along the nearside until about the Drury Lane junction and then try to cut across. It is quite possible that the bus driver cut in on the cyclist as he was attempting this manoeuvre, but we don't know yet at this point.

    The carriageway layout is problematic and many cyclists understandably don't want to go to the nearside lane of the two Fleet Street-bound carriageway lanes early, as the central hatching/taxi stand throws up all sorts of surprising actions from drivers changing lanes.

    Witnesses to the collision or its aftermath should seek help if they need to, e.g. if the images are not easy to shake off.

    Many good wishes to the rider. It sounds grim at this stage, though.
