might be persuaded to part with either of these framesets - i'd decided to keep the black one in the pics and sell all my other track bits (though that too i might be presided to sell too - it's an andy thompson atom - columbus sl or slx & sif1 ) - tiny clearance and tight track geo though .
orange USSR Rekord something from c. 60 to 80s not so sure
or white one - van rees - UK 50s/60s
both likley cromo though van rees maybe 531 but-probably Accles&Pollock Kromo - forks are tange - not original but are correct geo
both are c.57/ 58cm and have good clearance, though orange has track fork with round blades and no drilling (though could be drilled. )
orange has very small bend on tubes and white need touch up under BB and here and there
both have really nice lugs - white is pearlesant paint - orange has cracked rattle can job really but is ok for use.
both quite relaxed - white more so, orange is Track legal BB height - i'd have to check the white. white one is probably from the time when people rode grass / shale outdoor track so may be classed as track and path
might be persuaded to part with either of these framesets - i'd decided to keep the black one in the pics and sell all my other track bits (though that too i might be presided to sell too - it's an andy thompson atom - columbus sl or slx & sif1 ) - tiny clearance and tight track geo though .
orange USSR Rekord something from c. 60 to 80s not so sure
or white one - van rees - UK 50s/60s
both likley cromo though van rees maybe 531 but-probably Accles&Pollock Kromo - forks are tange - not original but are correct geo
both are c.57/ 58cm and have good clearance, though orange has track fork with round blades and no drilling (though could be drilled. )
orange has very small bend on tubes and white need touch up under BB and here and there
both have really nice lugs - white is pearlesant paint - orange has cracked rattle can job really but is ok for use.
both quite relaxed - white more so, orange is Track legal BB height - i'd have to check the white. white one is probably from the time when people rode grass / shale outdoor track so may be classed as track and path