I'm hoping to do this next year. Just beginning to look at putting a bike together for it.
I've got an 80s 531 touring/cross (canti mounts) frame with every braze on imaginable so I might have to use that, have you had any thought about tires? The surfaces look great, apart from 'some' rough stuff.
I might have to wait until July for the weather to improve, other option is the Easter holidays (I have the whole of April off. Work in a school, guys!)
I'm also wondering how much training I'll need to put in. I already cycle from Forest Hill to Marylebone twice a day (22 miles), but will have to start some long weekend rides I think. 50 miles a day seems easily doable though on flat, slick roads and allows for a relaxing evening/breakfast (planning to stay in B&B's/hostels.
I'm hoping to do this next year. Just beginning to look at putting a bike together for it.
I've got an 80s 531 touring/cross (canti mounts) frame with every braze on imaginable so I might have to use that, have you had any thought about tires? The surfaces look great, apart from 'some' rough stuff.
I might have to wait until July for the weather to improve, other option is the Easter holidays (I have the whole of April off. Work in a school, guys!)
I'm also wondering how much training I'll need to put in. I already cycle from Forest Hill to Marylebone twice a day (22 miles), but will have to start some long weekend rides I think. 50 miles a day seems easily doable though on flat, slick roads and allows for a relaxing evening/breakfast (planning to stay in B&B's/hostels.