Be careful what you wish for. Technically, it is also an offence for cyclists to cross the first stop line away from the entry lane (or the little gap that they put in where they don't put in an entry lane), under the same circumstances under which it is an offence for motorists. For full 'equal' treatment on this issue, cyclists would have to be fined for crossing the stop line at red, too. :) I don't know if an FPN mechanism has been defined for that, though.
Personally, I think for ASLs to ever work you either need a change in primary legislation on how stop lines function, or introduce a new kind of stop line as the first stop line, with the second stop line remaining as stop lines currently function. Until such changes occur, there will always be problems with them.
Be careful what you wish for. Technically, it is also an offence for cyclists to cross the first stop line away from the entry lane (or the little gap that they put in where they don't put in an entry lane), under the same circumstances under which it is an offence for motorists. For full 'equal' treatment on this issue, cyclists would have to be fined for crossing the stop line at red, too. :) I don't know if an FPN mechanism has been defined for that, though.
Personally, I think for ASLs to ever work you either need a change in primary legislation on how stop lines function, or introduce a new kind of stop line as the first stop line, with the second stop line remaining as stop lines currently function. Until such changes occur, there will always be problems with them.