Mario resprayed my old chipped/paint splattered (didn't see the patch on the road till too late) Orbit frame in June. One colour (enamel), no lugs, £65. Done in a week. I'm pretty pleased but not done this before so can't compare. Most people who've seen it think he's done a decent job. He was suggested by one of the guys at Brixton Cycles who stripped the bike and put it together again for me once he was done. The new paint job is tougher than the original, that's for sure.
Mario resprayed my old chipped/paint splattered (didn't see the patch on the road till too late) Orbit frame in June. One colour (enamel), no lugs, £65. Done in a week. I'm pretty pleased but not done this before so can't compare. Most people who've seen it think he's done a decent job. He was suggested by one of the guys at Brixton Cycles who stripped the bike and put it together again for me once he was done. The new paint job is tougher than the original, that's for sure.