Forumer on a Pompino having a heated exchange with an aggressive cabbie. Nice riding in with you and PM me if you want me to act as a witness.
Forumer on a black fixed IRO spotting me having a heated exchange with an aggressive cabbie!
First close pass on Old Street was at low speed, not too bothered and would have left it. Second close pass seemed designed to prove some point so informed the guy he was too close - reponse was a threat of violence. Cabbie was kind enough to repeat it for the camera I was recording him on. Roadsafe here we come.
Forumer on a black fixed IRO spotting me having a heated exchange with an aggressive cabbie!
First close pass on Old Street was at low speed, not too bothered and would have left it. Second close pass seemed designed to prove some point so informed the guy he was too close - reponse was a threat of violence. Cabbie was kind enough to repeat it for the camera I was recording him on. Roadsafe here we come.
Nice riding the spice route with you, will PM.