OK, so my old BB is a 108mm english thread. The only english thread ISO BB I can see around that length is the Miche 107mm, which I have read is rubbish. Average bearings, loosens itself. http://www.wiggle.co.uk/miche-primato-track-bottom-bracket
At 111mm, will this affect my chain line enough to worry about it? I think not - 2mm either side, 1.5mm if you take into account my old BB was a 108mm - but always good to hear from people in the know. I don't want to spend a fortune, £25 is the sweet spot.
OK, so my old BB is a 108mm english thread. The only english thread ISO BB I can see around that length is the Miche 107mm, which I have read is rubbish. Average bearings, loosens itself. http://www.wiggle.co.uk/miche-primato-track-bottom-bracket
The next largest is the Token ISO campy http://www.totalcycling.com/index.php/product/BB_TOKEN_ISO_CAMPY.html?action=currency&id=GBP or Tifosi http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=56856&utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=Google-Products-UK
At 111mm, will this affect my chain line enough to worry about it? I think not - 2mm either side, 1.5mm if you take into account my old BB was a 108mm - but always good to hear from people in the know. I don't want to spend a fortune, £25 is the sweet spot.