New Royce Crankset and Chainring

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  • crank arms £239.00

    bottom bracket £127.00 minimum ( thats coming off the royce site currently)

    well im sure £500.00 will about cover arm, ring, bolts and bottom bracket

    think i'll stick with sram omniums...

  • Far too expensive.

  • crank arms £239.00

    So, £5 more than a complete Record Pista set if you want shiny but old fashioned

    or £60 more than Omnium if industrial looking and stiff is more to your taste

    Assuming the chainring and bolts are priced at the typical Royce 'handmade' level, you could have a Truvativ Omnium and upgrade your bars to 3T Scatto for less than the price of a complete Royce chainset.

    I'll be very surprised if I ever see these cranks on a serious race bike.

  • These are not intended for racing though are they?

    I thought that these were pure BLB fodder, it would never occur to me to put these on something that was going to be used in competition.

  • I have no idea what Royce think they are for. Typical bicycle parts fall into three categories:
    1: Practical - the cheapest acceptable solution
    2: Competition grade - the best affordable solution
    3: Art - the prettiest solution

    They are not practical, because cheaper alternatives do the job at least as well. They aren't competition grade, because better products are easily available. By common consent on this thread, they are too ugly to be art.

  • Would they look good with an Aerospoke?

  • The two things certainly deserve one another

  • They look like they were commissioned by some 'gangster rapper' or other...

  • 4 days late and too lazy to find a picture

  • I have no idea what Royce think they are for. Typical bicycle parts fall into three categories:
    1: Practical - the cheapest acceptable solution
    2: Competition grade - the best affordable solution
    3: Art - the prettiest solution

    They are not practical, because cheaper alternatives do the job at least as well. They aren't competition grade, because better products are easily available. By common consent on this thread, they are too ugly to be art.

    Yes, all of this.

  • Just by the looks of them it does seem like a bit of an own goal - But I'm sure they know what there doing from a practical point of view. Should have just made some more of these (road though) :

    Lovely. The R logo is fantastic and quite unique. Do they know what they've got?

  • Have these been redesigned yet?

  • Mercianmechanic: do them a favour and get them to think again about the logos at least...

  • Saw them at the Cycle Show last year.

    Crazily shiny.

    Wow, tacky

  • News just in - apparently it is possible to polish a turd.

  • The new Phil crank should steal 99% of any hipster sales which Royce might have hoped for

    1 Attachment

    • PhilTrackCranks.png
  • Why would people buy any of this shit? Phil Wood PFFFFT!

  • The new Phil crank should steal 99% of any hipster sales which Royce might have hoped for

    Count me in. Barely able to see over my pelvis, et cetera.
    (Ignoring inevitable price shock)

  • They will be a million dollars and 99% of people wont be able to tell the difference when riding them.

  • Also, Phils cursive is SHIT.

    Needs to lose his pen licence

  • Also, Phils cursive is SHIT.

    Needs to lose his pen licence

    It's a signature, not an exercise.

  • According to the internet, Phil Wood was born in 1926. Thats almost 90 years working on that john hancock and thats the best he's got?? Doesnt give me much confidence in his products.

  • According to the internet, Phil Wood was born in 1926. Thats almost 90 years working on that john hancock and thats the best he's got?? Doesnt give me much confidence in his products.


  • Spoke to Royce this morning regarding hubs, the q/r skewers mentioned earlier are due Dec / Jan

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New Royce Crankset and Chainring

Posted by Avatar for tiddy @tiddy
