i've decided to knock cycling on the head. I lived for the competitive element and enjoyed my training, but having been hit my a car twice and facing A-level/Uni pressure I just can't fit everything in and enjoy it at the same time. I've had a very enjoyable 3 years from the sport, and I'm keeping one bike to pootle around on, but the rest are up for grabs. I'd love to keep riding the track (car free) but I'd have to train on the road, and to be quite honests, being on the road as a cyclist is scary for me now.
i've decided to knock cycling on the head. I lived for the competitive element and enjoyed my training, but having been hit my a car twice and facing A-level/Uni pressure I just can't fit everything in and enjoy it at the same time. I've had a very enjoyable 3 years from the sport, and I'm keeping one bike to pootle around on, but the rest are up for grabs. I'd love to keep riding the track (car free) but I'd have to train on the road, and to be quite honests, being on the road as a cyclist is scary for me now.