• #2
Unfortunatly I cant atend this.
• #3
Pawel Mostowiec
anyone want to ride fixie Today?[URL="https://www.facebook.com/groups/7975444238/?view=permalink&id=10150292957609239"][/URL]
• #4
Unfortunatly I cant atend this.
• #5
"Aw man won't be able to make it, I'm playing synth on that day"
• #6
hate to be a tosser but "knowlage"
• #7
You banch of raysist hatters!
• #8
Lame shit anyway. All fixeh skidders use Google+.
"Guys! I want to invite you to come and have fun on our fixies at Central London! We are gonna meet in Bunksy tunnel. lets share our skills and knowlage about fixed gear bikes."