Hey like EVERYBODY I'm really really ecxited about my 382nd post.
So I have devised my top 3 yoga stretches/poses for you: Yoga for cyclists pose 1: Downward dog pose. Adho Mukha Svanasana This focus’s on the stretching the back of the legs and opens the back and shoulders as it strengthens the arms and upper back.
Start in four point kneeling with your hands under your shoulders and you knees under you ankles. Tuck your toes under and stretch your buttocks over your heels. Keeping your shoulders relaxed slowly straighten you legs to the point where you feel the stretch down your hamstrings or calves. Aim to gently push your shoulders towards your knees. Yoga for cyclists pose 2: Pigeon hip stretch. Eka Pada Rajakapotasana This focus’s on stretching the buttocks [arse] and IT band.
From four point kneeling bring your right knee to your right wrist. Shift your hips back as far as feels comfortable so that the knee is moving out to the right and the ankle is near the left hip bone. You should feel a deep stretch in the buttocks. If you want to go deeper move the knee further out to the right and the front foot forward. Lift the chest or rest the elbows on the floor and breath. Repeat on the other side.
If you want a reclining version of this, which is slightly more comfortable for some:
Lying on your back with your head, neck and shoulders relaxed, place your right ankle on your left knee. Thread your right hand through the gap between both legs and hold hands behind your left thigh. If you can’t reach use a scarf or belt or just hold on to the right ankle. Breath for at least 20 deep breaths and feel the muscles soften. Repeat on the other side. Yoga pose 3: Low Lunge. Anjaneyasana This focus’s on stretching the quads (front of thigh), the front hamstring sometimes and opens the stomach, chest and neck.
Start kneeling up. Place your right foot forward quite far and shift the hips forward so that the front knee is above the ankle. Gently tuck the tailbone under. Keeping the chest lifted up lift the hands above the head and look up, lengthening the neck up as you do. Don’t let the neck drop back, be gentle. Breath deeply into the chest for 10 long deep breaths. Repeat on the other side.
Hey like EVERYBODY I'm really really ecxited about my 382nd post.
So I have devised my top 3 yoga stretches/poses for you:
Yoga for cyclists pose 1: Downward dog pose. Adho Mukha Svanasana
This focus’s on the stretching the back of the legs and opens the back and shoulders as it strengthens the arms and upper back.
Start in four point kneeling with your hands under your shoulders and you knees under you ankles. Tuck your toes under and stretch your buttocks over your heels. Keeping your shoulders relaxed slowly straighten you legs to the point where you feel the stretch down your hamstrings or calves. Aim to gently push your shoulders towards your knees.
Yoga for cyclists pose 2: Pigeon hip stretch. Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
This focus’s on stretching the buttocks [arse] and IT band.
From four point kneeling bring your right knee to your right wrist. Shift your hips back as far as feels comfortable so that the knee is moving out to the right and the ankle is near the left hip bone. You should feel a deep stretch in the buttocks. If you want to go deeper move the knee further out to the right and the front foot forward. Lift the chest or rest the elbows on the floor and breath. Repeat on the other side.
If you want a reclining version of this, which is slightly more comfortable for some:
Lying on your back with your head, neck and shoulders relaxed, place your right ankle on your left knee. Thread your right hand through the gap between both legs and hold hands behind your left thigh. If you can’t reach use a scarf or belt or just hold on to the right ankle. Breath for at least 20 deep breaths and feel the muscles soften. Repeat on the other side.
Yoga pose 3: Low Lunge. Anjaneyasana
This focus’s on stretching the quads (front of thigh), the front hamstring sometimes and opens the stomach, chest and neck.
Start kneeling up. Place your right foot forward quite far and shift the hips forward so that the front knee is above the ankle. Gently tuck the tailbone under. Keeping the chest lifted up lift the hands above the head and look up, lengthening the neck up as you do. Don’t let the neck drop back, be gentle. Breath deeply into the chest for 10 long deep breaths. Repeat on the other side.
Keep posting!