pfff. listen up you northern monkeys: its a 'chippini' - do try and keep up.
at least that's what it's called at the 4 pound-a-go-peruvian-seed-loaf organic vegan bakery in brixton village.
i also like to complain about how awful it is that the minority communities have been priced out of the rental market there whilst sipping on a 3 quid flat-white.
pfff. listen up you northern monkeys: its a 'chippini' - do try and keep up.
at least that's what it's called at the 4 pound-a-go-peruvian-seed-loaf organic vegan bakery in brixton village.
i also like to complain about how awful it is that the minority communities have been priced out of the rental market there whilst sipping on a 3 quid flat-white.