I'm building my second frame over the next couple of weeks. I've just picked up the parts from ceeway and noticed that the lug that the DT slots into the BB is not tight. It's obviously the correct sizing, but there's a tiny bit of wiggle in there that could cause upset for the frame allignment - it will need to be tacked prior to final brazing.
I don't have a proper jig, and was hoping to do this almost jig-less via a flat surface and a few tube holders. Given this, the BB sheel is going to be heated a few times (at least twice - once for the DT / ST and again for the chainstays - and possibly three times); I'd like to avoid having to heat it again to tack everything.
My question: Is pinning the tubes a sensible thing to do to hold the tubes in alignment without heating too much, or is it going to be a bit of a pain (I'm relatively light on decent equipment)?
If so, what is the proceedure - I assume it's drill lug, drill tube, insert pin, check alignment, remove pin, flux, insert pin, braze. Does this make sense?
I quite like the idea of getting the whole front triangle aligned and pinned in place, then brazing it on a bike stand but don't have any experience with doing this...
I'm building my second frame over the next couple of weeks. I've just picked up the parts from ceeway and noticed that the lug that the DT slots into the BB is not tight. It's obviously the correct sizing, but there's a tiny bit of wiggle in there that could cause upset for the frame allignment - it will need to be tacked prior to final brazing.
I don't have a proper jig, and was hoping to do this almost jig-less via a flat surface and a few tube holders. Given this, the BB sheel is going to be heated a few times (at least twice - once for the DT / ST and again for the chainstays - and possibly three times); I'd like to avoid having to heat it again to tack everything.
My question: Is pinning the tubes a sensible thing to do to hold the tubes in alignment without heating too much, or is it going to be a bit of a pain (I'm relatively light on decent equipment)?
If so, what is the proceedure - I assume it's drill lug, drill tube, insert pin, check alignment, remove pin, flux, insert pin, braze. Does this make sense?
I quite like the idea of getting the whole front triangle aligned and pinned in place, then brazing it on a bike stand but don't have any experience with doing this...