What time is polo expected to be done on Saturday night? Some mates of mine are in a Bristol based band, are pretty good and might be up for a short trip to Sea Mills...or are we not allowed to make too much noise either?
The site is not going to be suitable for this. It is out in the sticks but unfortunately there are some sensative neighbours who live in a very posh part of Brizzle high up on the cliffs that overlook the site. The residents association for this area are particularly sensative about how the site is used and have objected to every planning app in the past (it is a nature reserve!). They do not want any commercial activity on the site and certainly do not want to see people partying on it. There have been a few (illegal) free parties at the site over the years which have casused problems to residents. For this reason, we are going to keep noise and fires down to a minimum over the weekend. This does not mean that we will not be able to have fun though. The land owner knows we are having a sports tournament on the site, but it has to be just that and not appear to be a party with bands etc! Depending on how many people are camping, we may be able to get away with a small fire if we are tucked away in the corner. We will see. The owner of the land has been very good to us allowing us to convert his property into our polo courts and is letting us use it (ongoing) free of charge. We don't want to upset him!