dammit just got gloves! well, if you're throwing them away i'll totally take them. helmet does look very tempting. can i have dibs unless someone totally needs?
i'm helping organise this bikesmut thing on thursday which will be happening just down the road from newington. i was wondering if for the alleycat, we could make newington one of the checkpoints? people who'd come could just play a bit of polo (see what it's like)...there will be guys in the race (and hopefully loads of women!) so is it ok if they come? if not, we can make an alternate checkpoint thing for them...ladies, feel free to give me some suggestions. also, the race is starting at 8, so do you want them to come first thing or towards the end?
and since it's down the road please please come after polo! we'll be showing films then and having other bikey games going on. + food and drink. omnom.
dammit just got gloves! well, if you're throwing them away i'll totally take them. helmet does look very tempting. can i have dibs unless someone totally needs?
i'm helping organise this bikesmut thing on thursday which will be happening just down the road from newington. i was wondering if for the alleycat, we could make newington one of the checkpoints? people who'd come could just play a bit of polo (see what it's like)...there will be guys in the race (and hopefully loads of women!) so is it ok if they come? if not, we can make an alternate checkpoint thing for them...ladies, feel free to give me some suggestions. also, the race is starting at 8, so do you want them to come first thing or towards the end?
and since it's down the road please please come after polo! we'll be showing films then and having other bikey games going on. + food and drink. omnom.