Ta very much all - except you hippy. Take your mirth elsewhere.
It was written in delirium so forgive typo's.
Spenceey, I happen to be, technically, an idiot. So I have the GPS routes I created before I left (the ones you saw in the GPS thread) however we only used them as a rough guide and ended up zig-zagging all over the place particularly through France. I have the data I recorded on the trip but god knows how I do anything about getting it online given the debacle just to put those maps on the device. It doesn't matter as I doubt I have the energy at the moment anyway, maybe in a few weeks when work calms down and I'm healthy.
Santader is an awesome town though. Should have given it more of a chance.
Yeah you're probably right :) I think as much as anything we wanted to kid ourselves that we didn't miss out much as we only arrived there with a few hours to kill so just sat on the seafront sipping coffee. Which wasn't exactly shit :)
Ta very much all - except you hippy. Take your mirth elsewhere.
It was written in delirium so forgive typo's.
Spenceey, I happen to be, technically, an idiot. So I have the GPS routes I created before I left (the ones you saw in the GPS thread) however we only used them as a rough guide and ended up zig-zagging all over the place particularly through France. I have the data I recorded on the trip but god knows how I do anything about getting it online given the debacle just to put those maps on the device. It doesn't matter as I doubt I have the energy at the moment anyway, maybe in a few weeks when work calms down and I'm healthy.