Ed, I have very good roadcraft, I promise you that. I look round at drivers behind me when I am about change direction. I also never wear headphones our listen to music, or use my mobile while cycling, because I want 100% of my concentration to be on the road, and on my fellow road users.
If you want 100% concentration, then I would recommended you to put some earplug on, see how you adapt, removing one sense mean you're forced to look back more often because you won't hear says, a car coming from behind, or a cyclists, or a speeding motorcyclists.
My own safety has never been in question, only my understanding of the risk assessment of the Primary Position design.
you may claim to have very good roadcraft and I'm not doubting that, thing is, don't you want to have some feedback on how your road behaviour appear to other? some kind of reassurance that what you do is perfectly safe?
I claim to be perfectly fine, and claim that I do know enough to ride safety without the need of cycle training, in the end I took it because there's no harm in having my own road behaviour assessed by a trained instructor, I was glad that I took it as it made me understand even more about road behaviour more than ever.
If you want 100% concentration, then I would recommended you to put some earplug on, see how you adapt, removing one sense mean you're forced to look back more often because you won't hear says, a car coming from behind, or a cyclists, or a speeding motorcyclists.
you may claim to have very good roadcraft and I'm not doubting that, thing is, don't you want to have some feedback on how your road behaviour appear to other? some kind of reassurance that what you do is perfectly safe?
I claim to be perfectly fine, and claim that I do know enough to ride safety without the need of cycle training, in the end I took it because there's no harm in having my own road behaviour assessed by a trained instructor, I was glad that I took it as it made me understand even more about road behaviour more than ever.