Ha! Should have said hey. Co-incidentally I was sending off a lens I'd just sold on eBay.
I prefer to watch . . . from afar, just watch . . . slowly tracking your every step, just stood staring, my eyes dancing over you, from hat to shoe, drinking it all in, trying to work out what you are thinking, a bead of sweat traces it's way down my face, staring at you silently but grinning, just grinning, but always safe, I know I'm safe, if it happens again all I need do is run away, run like the little man told me, run he said, as fast as you can, run, passed Argos, passed the Co-op and up the road, right up it, until you are home - and then lock the doors, lock them, Ben needn't know you had been watching him, sure he can call the police, but you know this, so you stay up all night, with your clothes on, in the bed with your clothes on and if you hear them coming up the corridor, you'd be out the window, no time to think grab what you can, the small framed picture of ben, the half sovereign and some food, just basics, nothing fancy, rice, spaghetti, onions, a dash of basil and your off, keep low, keep really low, run on all fours through the night like a little pig running away from the chopper, stick to the bushes, then the side streets, no one will see you, if they do shout "liar, liar, liar" at them and run away as quickly as you can, head for the motorway and run down it, run really fast, by morning you should be in the countryside, try and blend in, don't mention what happened, try and keep the conversation light, pick up some more basics, some spray, some string, a bar of soap, maybe a hat, find a river, lather up and shave all your hair off, all of it, the police can't tell it's you if you hair is missing, wash your clothes in the river, quickly grow a moustache, maybe have a shit into the river (it will float away and if they find it they can track it back to you, so tie a little bit of string around it and put a rock on the other end so it sinks to the bottom of the river) - suddenly a noise ! What is it, should you run ! But if you run they will hear you, it might be Ben ! Grab your clothes, no time to think, grab everything, jump into the river and swim like you have never swam before, just keep swimming, for hours and hours, hours turn into days, days into weeks, swimming as fast as you can for 4 weeks, a month, it's safe now, no one's around, get out of the river, dry all your things by squeezing them, it's nice here, just soil leaves and a few trees, you can live here, make it your home, you don't know where you are, might be Sheffield, they've got a river there, it's called the River Sheaf, you were swimming pretty fast for 4 weeks so it's probably Sheffield, there is a motorway nearby which will be handy for getting around when I need ammunition for my guns, also I can use the toilet in the service station I swam passed a few miles back, yes, this all seems perfect, oh look my clothes have dried now, so I can put them back on, it's starting to get dark now, so I dig a hole to sleep in with my bare hands, I put all my stuff in it, my picture of Ben, the food and the stuff I bought from the shops, I jump in myself, it's quite a way down, I must have dug it really deep, I am still jumping down, and still now jumping down . . . . and still going (about half way) . . . nearly there, eventually I land at the bottom of my hole, I am really tired now (from jumping all that way) so I decide to go to sleep, I put the picture of Ben next to me, like were both in the same hole, like we are on holiday.
I prefer to watch . . . from afar, just watch . . . slowly tracking your every step, just stood staring, my eyes dancing over you, from hat to shoe, drinking it all in, trying to work out what you are thinking, a bead of sweat traces it's way down my face, staring at you silently but grinning, just grinning, but always safe, I know I'm safe, if it happens again all I need do is run away, run like the little man told me, run he said, as fast as you can, run, passed Argos, passed the Co-op and up the road, right up it, until you are home - and then lock the doors, lock them, Ben needn't know you had been watching him, sure he can call the police, but you know this, so you stay up all night, with your clothes on, in the bed with your clothes on and if you hear them coming up the corridor, you'd be out the window, no time to think grab what you can, the small framed picture of ben, the half sovereign and some food, just basics, nothing fancy, rice, spaghetti, onions, a dash of basil and your off, keep low, keep really low, run on all fours through the night like a little pig running away from the chopper, stick to the bushes, then the side streets, no one will see you, if they do shout "liar, liar, liar" at them and run away as quickly as you can, head for the motorway and run down it, run really fast, by morning you should be in the countryside, try and blend in, don't mention what happened, try and keep the conversation light, pick up some more basics, some spray, some string, a bar of soap, maybe a hat, find a river, lather up and shave all your hair off, all of it, the police can't tell it's you if you hair is missing, wash your clothes in the river, quickly grow a moustache, maybe have a shit into the river (it will float away and if they find it they can track it back to you, so tie a little bit of string around it and put a rock on the other end so it sinks to the bottom of the river) - suddenly a noise ! What is it, should you run ! But if you run they will hear you, it might be Ben ! Grab your clothes, no time to think, grab everything, jump into the river and swim like you have never swam before, just keep swimming, for hours and hours, hours turn into days, days into weeks, swimming as fast as you can for 4 weeks, a month, it's safe now, no one's around, get out of the river, dry all your things by squeezing them, it's nice here, just soil leaves and a few trees, you can live here, make it your home, you don't know where you are, might be Sheffield, they've got a river there, it's called the River Sheaf, you were swimming pretty fast for 4 weeks so it's probably Sheffield, there is a motorway nearby which will be handy for getting around when I need ammunition for my guns, also I can use the toilet in the service station I swam passed a few miles back, yes, this all seems perfect, oh look my clothes have dried now, so I can put them back on, it's starting to get dark now, so I dig a hole to sleep in with my bare hands, I put all my stuff in it, my picture of Ben, the food and the stuff I bought from the shops, I jump in myself, it's quite a way down, I must have dug it really deep, I am still jumping down, and still now jumping down . . . . and still going (about half way) . . . nearly there, eventually I land at the bottom of my hole, I am really tired now (from jumping all that way) so I decide to go to sleep, I put the picture of Ben next to me, like were both in the same hole, like we are on holiday.