• What are the gussets made of? What's the weight? Can I deal with the missus if I bring another bike into the house? How much debt can I comfortably live with?

    I'll be completely honest, I don't know what the gusset's are made of. I was told all the technical stuff by the bloke who imported the bike for me but I was seventeen years old old at the time and it went in one ear and out the other, I just thought the bike was damn sexy. Eighteen years later I'll be buggered if I can remember. And being completely non frame techy I probably couldn't tell by looking/flicking whatever...

    I've forgotten everything about the framebuilders too, I vaguely remember them being based outside Paris but even then I'm not too sure about that. I've been trying to locate them online but Google isn't helping much either.

    As to whether you could live with the missus, if she's anything like mine then probably not (it was touch and go when I bought the bike that replaced this one back in May), but it will definitely be worth it. It's all about priorities. You could always get another missus...

    More pics tonight I promise. I'm not likely to get home till after dark so the pics probably won't be porn worthy (not on my dining room table under a 60w bulb) but they'll give you an idea of some of the detail.
