Due to being and idiot and having a slack chain I managed to pop it off get it stuck between the cog and hub and in the process sheering off 4 spokes and a few more will go as soon as I ride it more than 2mins.
As I have a date that involves riding bikes tomorrow I need a replacement asap.
So I don't look like a prick riding my flashy road bike or a Barclays bike.
As it's a beater bike I just need something very cheap, spacing doesn't matter.
can do fixed or free wheel price being the important part at the moment.
Then I will rebuild the other.
Due to being and idiot and having a slack chain I managed to pop it off get it stuck between the cog and hub and in the process sheering off 4 spokes and a few more will go as soon as I ride it more than 2mins.
As I have a date that involves riding bikes tomorrow I need a replacement asap.
So I don't look like a prick riding my flashy road bike or a Barclays bike.
As it's a beater bike I just need something very cheap, spacing doesn't matter.
can do fixed or free wheel price being the important part at the moment.
Then I will rebuild the other.