I had my cannondale killer v stolen and i was willing to pay 200 to get it back. Its bright red and light as, if anyone has any ideas where it might turn up can you let me know.
How was it locked?
This question hasn't been answered yet, and its pretty important to the rest of us on here. We now know what it was locked with, but not how it was locked. Was it......
Through the frame and rear wheel and to immovable object.
Front wheel removed and locked to rear wheel and frame, and post/railings.
Gap in lock shackle filled by pedal crank along with frame and rear wheel.
(Bad ideas)
Locked bike to nothing solid; just the bike locked and leaned up against something.
Locked only front wheel, thinking you might return quickly enough, so that nothimng would happen.
Locked frame only, and not the wheels - leaving huge gap for bottle jack.
Wish you luck on getting it back, but the lock you used has never been reported defeated on this forum, IF the correct locking procedures were used. This would be a first, unless of course, it was not locked as in 1., 2., or 3......with 3, being the best, and most recommended method.