This morning, Essex Road, in the rain. I'm going at a reasonable clip, oncoming car turns right across me; would have been ok had a cyclist on the pavement not decided to pootle across the side street at the same time. Car stops side-on blocking the lane completely. I managed to stop with about two inches to spare. If I hadn't had wet weather brake pads fitted I reckon I would have been through the side window (and I was convinced that was going to happen the whole way). Raised the heart rate a bit.
This morning, Essex Road, in the rain. I'm going at a reasonable clip, oncoming car turns right across me; would have been ok had a cyclist on the pavement not decided to pootle across the side street at the same time. Car stops side-on blocking the lane completely. I managed to stop with about two inches to spare. If I hadn't had wet weather brake pads fitted I reckon I would have been through the side window (and I was convinced that was going to happen the whole way). Raised the heart rate a bit.