In case anyone's interested - I emailed PX re: using their wheels with campag and it's a simple freehub swap - which you can buy from the website..
... then I looked at a few tubular installation/maintenance videos and thought fuuuuuccccckkkk that.
4 days to glue a tyre to a rim? What? Even if it feels like riding on 1,000 tiny fluffy bunnies who are massaging you at all the contact points, who has time to spend that much time gluing tyres - and what happens when you use your one spare tub out on a ride?
Anyway - apparently they'll have carbon clinchers in stock in 6-8 weeks (fingers crossed without the logos!)
Oh and their customer service was amazing - I emailed at 7pm on a Friday night and got a reply within the hour - and then another on Saturday after asking about the clinchers. Top notch
In case anyone's interested - I emailed PX re: using their wheels with campag and it's a simple freehub swap - which you can buy from the website..
... then I looked at a few tubular installation/maintenance videos and thought fuuuuuccccckkkk that.
4 days to glue a tyre to a rim? What? Even if it feels like riding on 1,000 tiny fluffy bunnies who are massaging you at all the contact points, who has time to spend that much time gluing tyres - and what happens when you use your one spare tub out on a ride?
Anyway - apparently they'll have carbon clinchers in stock in 6-8 weeks (fingers crossed without the logos!)
Oh and their customer service was amazing - I emailed at 7pm on a Friday night and got a reply within the hour - and then another on Saturday after asking about the clinchers. Top notch