With any luck, you'll be able to find some old Veloce or Mirage UltraTorque CT cranks still in stock somewhere. I got them dirt cheap a couple of years ago, but although there are plenty of bargains on 39/53 still in stock, the only compact I can find at the moment is at http://www.totalcycling.com/index.php/product/parts_accessories/cranksets_road/FC_CT_VELOCE_09.html and they seem to know they are in short supply judging by the asking price.
Whatever crank you get, you need to stick with 9s chain to match you cassette.
Avoid PowerTorque.
With any luck, you'll be able to find some old Veloce or Mirage UltraTorque CT cranks still in stock somewhere. I got them dirt cheap a couple of years ago, but although there are plenty of bargains on 39/53 still in stock, the only compact I can find at the moment is at http://www.totalcycling.com/index.php/product/parts_accessories/cranksets_road/FC_CT_VELOCE_09.html and they seem to know they are in short supply judging by the asking price.
Whatever crank you get, you need to stick with 9s chain to match you cassette.