• #52
Hard web riddle, which i have been failing at for a long time:
http://riddle.qwebbusiness.com/level0Just plain insane:
http://www.secrettechnology.com/mouse/weather.htmlDont buy drugs, become famous and get them for free:
http://www.trydrugs.net/ -
• #53
this rocks!
• #54
love this
http://now.sprint.com/widget/ -
• #55
Looks like a variant of this;
• #56
love this
http://now.sprint.com/widget/That's pretty much the end of my working day now.
• #57
There should be a section on it for people pissing about on forums whilst they are supposed to be working
• #58
This is pretty amazing
The sheer number of flights in europe is ridiculous!
• #59
that's amazing. the flightpath into heathrow goes pretty much over my place so i'm quite aware of just how many planes fly over london. it's cool to see where they've all come from.
• #60
There's an app for iphone and android where you point the phone at the plane in the sky, and you get the same info. No idea what it's called though.
• #61
I think it's called Kill Me Now.
• #62
or Me So Lonely. I forget which.
• #63
i amazed there aren't more plane crashes
• #64
Well that's easy. It looks like a swarm but the earth is so big that they're miles apart, an being flown by highly trained professional people whilst being watched using radar and gps transceivers with software that sounds alarms if they get too close. Plus most are being pilotted by computers in the first place - which think faster than us.
Computer driven cars would reduce accidents but then there'd be no blame. Simply doesn't work in a compensation society.
• #65
And the sky's in 3D.
• #66
Not sure where to put this so it'll go here for now. Useful infographic links (categorized)
If it's what you're into.
• #67
• #68
whats not to like about this website
• #69
I stumbled across this chemistry site that is pretty cool
• #70
this is rather nice
• #71
not a website as such but pretty good i think
• #72
Entertaining amusing interactive
please no facebook or myspace something a little different
for some reason this stuck in my mind
http://yugop.com/ver3/stuff/03/fla.htmlHaha, blast from the past.
Used to love that guys stuff...From that era as well: http://www.tokyoplastic.com/menu.html
• #74
heard a noise you like
now you can re create it yourself in the comfort of your own home -
• #75
I've had this running on animate mode for the last 40 minutes while I have been listening to the Dawn of Midi album.
Very excellent.
make sure the sound is turned up