• The "Fucking Miladiou" is a countryside polo meeting. There is no polo scene in the city but the council asked us to organise something for the mobility week. So we did it!
    -2 cours 35*18 made of those white and red plastic walls. Nice and smooth floor
    -free housing friday and saturday in a gymnasium
    -free breakfast
    -inscription is free, sponsorised by the council!
    -24 teams for the moment, we'll push it furver if necessary. Registration opens tuesday 23 at 12 pm, closes wensday 31 12pm at felixcommefelix@gmail.com dot com
    -no fixed format yet, a lot of games anyway
    -The worlds will look ridiculous next this so if you don't have your ticket for Seattle thats the place to be! Plus it's a beautifull area (bit too mutch english).
    -Train from Paris, maybe 4h .I think nearest airport is Toulouse, I'll check it out.
    -Pick-up on friday noon.
    -Thanks to Brice for the poster and to the Cahors Council for puting it up.

    Bring it on!
    Pm for any info.
    sorry if spelling is weird
