OK - drop me a pm tonight when my account is running and we can sort out money and address etc.
Sound ok?
Yes mate sounds fine. It's easier if you send me an email ato andy@riotsquad.net if you're unable to communicate on lfgss. Alternatively you could send me the £15 for the seatpost via PayPal to andy@riotsquad.net and the invoice will have your address on - that way I can package the seatpost up this evening and post it out first thing tomorrow morning.
Yes mate sounds fine. It's easier if you send me an email ato andy@riotsquad.net if you're unable to communicate on lfgss. Alternatively you could send me the £15 for the seatpost via PayPal to andy@riotsquad.net and the invoice will have your address on - that way I can package the seatpost up this evening and post it out first thing tomorrow morning.