That Vauxhall court is right by an estate full of drunk white trailer trash types (generalisation). But it's also behind the Vauxhall Tavern which is a well known 'bear' gay bar gay bar. They once had a charity sports day which was very colourful (big hairy men in tutu's) and the locals were sat watching quietly drinking their strong lager.
What I'm saying is the locals might well be ok.
That Vauxhall court is right by an estate full of drunk white trailer trash types (generalisation). But it's also behind the Vauxhall Tavern which is a well known 'bear' gay bar gay bar. They once had a charity sports day which was very colourful (big hairy men in tutu's) and the locals were sat watching quietly drinking their strong lager.
What I'm saying is the locals might well be ok.