• #2
Pics no worky..
I could be interested in:
- 1" threaded to 1 1/8" ahead convertor - 8, if nice and you would post..:)
- 1" threaded to 1 1/8" ahead convertor - 8, if nice and you would post..:)
• #3
sorry sold :(
- http://s851.photobucket.com/albums/ab74/T1nka/ no good? - no one else said they had issues?
- http://s851.photobucket.com/albums/ab74/T1nka/ no good? - no one else said they had issues?
• #4
trinka dont think your allowed to post this as its advertised else-where.
• #5
Rodolfo, I have one of those converters if you want it. Same price, pm me
• #6
Hmm, just done a search and your singletrack ad came up.
http://www.singletrackworld.com/forum/topic/clearout-various-framestrainerforksstemsetcknowthejo is right, you can't advertise elsewhere if you want to sell here.
• #7
really? ok no worries...
- lfgss loses out if I sell an item that a user buys from another ad?
- lfgss loses out if I sell an item that a user buys from another ad?