Urgh. So yesterday I started running again, after a break of two years after injuring my foot quite badly (I had been running daily for about 3 months before my foot fucked up). I was predictably rubbish and just did a small loop of 1.6 miles so as not to exert myself on my first time. I did some stretches as soon as I got back but admittedly only for 5 minutes or so, my legs felt a bit tender for the rest of the day but nothing too bad. Then today my legs are HORRIBLY achey, thighs and calves, and my shin bones really hurt. It's noticeable every time I stand up or walk. I've had achey legs before but usually not the day after and I've never had hurting shin bones.
Is this normal for running after a long break, did I just not stretch for long enough or am I doing something wrong?
Urgh. So yesterday I started running again, after a break of two years after injuring my foot quite badly (I had been running daily for about 3 months before my foot fucked up). I was predictably rubbish and just did a small loop of 1.6 miles so as not to exert myself on my first time. I did some stretches as soon as I got back but admittedly only for 5 minutes or so, my legs felt a bit tender for the rest of the day but nothing too bad. Then today my legs are HORRIBLY achey, thighs and calves, and my shin bones really hurt. It's noticeable every time I stand up or walk. I've had achey legs before but usually not the day after and I've never had hurting shin bones.
Is this normal for running after a long break, did I just not stretch for long enough or am I doing something wrong?