So many caveats! It was rather gusty, no aero bars and I was on the hoods because the 808 on the front felt too hairy in the drops, I couldn't get in to my 11 for the blast back, I messed up the only two turns and paced it wrongly because I got carried away catching my minute-man on the hill up to the turn.
That aside, my GPS reported a 24.10, which was 10 seconds slower than a nice round number. So that drives me mad.
So many caveats! It was rather gusty, no aero bars and I was on the hoods because the 808 on the front felt too hairy in the drops, I couldn't get in to my 11 for the blast back, I messed up the only two turns and paced it wrongly because I got carried away catching my minute-man on the hill up to the turn.
That aside, my GPS reported a 24.10, which was 10 seconds slower than a nice round number. So that drives me mad.