if your're around forty and single this is definitely the time to hit the streets with a broom. these women have already proven they're great, and I'd bet many of them you'll probably never be able meet in a seedy bar, online dating site and the like.
it's now or never chaps.
dibs redhead.
But seriously. they are doing a great thing, getting out there and showing some community spirit, but FFS don't get the group photo taken outside a bank! use a small soletrader shop/independent as a backdrop, that way they'll win so many more brownie points.
reminds me, I have to go to one of them there banks to pay them something, maybe I should loot it instead, because my hard earned tax dollar entitles me to do that. innit.
dibs redhead.
But seriously. they are doing a great thing, getting out there and showing some community spirit, but FFS don't get the group photo taken outside a bank! use a small soletrader shop/independent as a backdrop, that way they'll win so many more brownie points.
reminds me, I have to go to one of them there banks to pay them something, maybe I should loot it instead, because my hard earned tax dollar entitles me to do that. innit.