Beware of paying in instalments, sometimes that means that they won't have to pay out as you haven't fully paid your coverage.
Insurance companies are 'mares.
I'm with Hiscox and can't recommend them highly enough having had to claim in the past. But prior to that I was with More>Than who I couldn't slag off enough as all give would give you is vouchers for Halfords.
So check with the potential insurer how they'd pay out if your bike did get stolen. Would they give you vouchers for a bike store? If so, and if you have anything custom or bespoke about your bike, go check out Hiscox.
Beware of paying in instalments, sometimes that means that they won't have to pay out as you haven't fully paid your coverage.
Insurance companies are 'mares.
I'm with Hiscox and can't recommend them highly enough having had to claim in the past. But prior to that I was with More>Than who I couldn't slag off enough as all give would give you is vouchers for Halfords.
So check with the potential insurer how they'd pay out if your bike did get stolen. Would they give you vouchers for a bike store? If so, and if you have anything custom or bespoke about your bike, go check out Hiscox.